Matches for sussman, 40 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Wed Feb 24 04:29:35 UTC 2016 <phf> oh it's that chick that got sussman to sell his chips
Tue Feb 23 11:24:16 UTC 2016 <assbot> Logged on 27-09-2014 03:19:43; asciilifeform: sussman, surrendering to decay:
Tue Feb 23 11:23:28 UTC 2016 <assbot> 36 results for 'sussman' :
Tue Feb 23 11:23:27 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> !s sussman
Tue Feb 23 09:09:56 UTC 2016 <assbot> Logged on 23-02-2016 05:58:56; phf: i'm sure the chip went same way, some chinese american female student, "say, prof sussman, how about you sell your life's work to highest bidder on this hip website. it'll legitimize what you did because you're no longer just a nerd, but now also an artist"
Tue Feb 23 09:07:30 UTC 2016 <assbot> Logged on 23-02-2016 05:55:12; phf: sussman was there though, when mit switched from sicp to python for their intro programming course, and he defended that decision with his remarks at ILC
Tue Feb 23 09:03:18 UTC 2016 <assbot> Logged on 23-02-2016 05:25:55; phf: random lulz, sussman signed scheme-81 chip, sold as art. i think it was listted at $1500, but i can't quite recall. i assume buyer would not try putting it on a breadboard..
Tue Feb 23 05:58:56 UTC 2016 <phf> i'm sure the chip went same way, some chinese american female student, "say, prof sussman, how about you sell your life's work to highest bidder on this hip website. it'll legitimize what you did because you're no longer just a nerd, but now also an artist"
Tue Feb 23 05:55:12 UTC 2016 <phf> sussman was there though, when mit switched from sicp to python for their intro programming course, and he defended that decision with his remarks at ILC
Tue Feb 23 05:27:00 UTC 2016 <phf> "This lot includes two Scheme-81 computer chips, signed by Gerald Sussman. This lot also includes a commemorative 3D-printed Babylonian styled tablet containing the password to a private Github repository where the buyer may access an image of the Scheme-81 chips."
Tue Feb 23 05:25:58 UTC 2016 <assbot> Gerald Sussman | Scheme (1978-1981) | Artsy ... ( )
Tue Feb 23 05:25:55 UTC 2016 <phf> random lulz, sussman signed scheme-81 chip, sold as art. i think it was listted at $1500, but i can't quite recall. i assume buyer would not try putting it on a breadboard..
Mon Feb 15 23:28:32 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> << them
Fri Jan 29 17:32:45 UTC 2016 <ascii_butugychag> ;;google sussman cowardly surrender
Fri Jan 29 17:29:16 UTC 2016 <ascii_butugychag> (sussman and abelson were the creators of scheme, authors of sicp, and taught the course)
Fri Jan 29 17:28:08 UTC 2016 <assbot> 23 results for 'sussman' :
Fri Jan 29 17:28:07 UTC 2016 <ascii_butugychag> !s sussman
Sat Dec 12 15:37:13 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> << that was sussman
Sat Oct 10 12:04:11 UTC 2015 <mircea_popescu> unsurprisingly, as it's the one bit of ai we actually turn out to need (as opposed to starstrucklingly WANT, a la sussman & co)
Sat Sep 12 21:21:01 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu would probably enjoy abelson & sussman's classic 'sicp', which contained, in very succinct notation, exercises such as this.