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Matches for to:benkay, 1231 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Tue Sep 10 06:08:57 UTC 2013  <jorash>   benkay: The factoring algo may be found here: http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/9508027

Tue Sep 10 19:21:59 UTC 2013  <thestringpuller>   benkay: http://rapgenius.com/Tito-lopez-mama-proud-lyrics#note-926211

Wed Sep 11 04:00:15 UTC 2013  <smickles>   benkay: mircea_popescu https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlhB0UHVxS67dGpBc2Rub3FtLTdHZ3ZPb09DY2pHWlE#gid=0

Wed Sep 11 04:16:10 UTC 2013  <pankkake>   benkay: exactly. it's easy to estimate css, it's not for development

Wed Sep 11 04:27:40 UTC 2013  <dub>   benkay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxi73RQlLB8 bust some of these out

Wed Sep 11 06:27:35 UTC 2013  <dub>   benkay: the free content is easy

Tue May 14 20:02:10 UTC 2013  <Diablo-D3>   benkay: if BoA cant, who can?

Sat Sep 14 21:38:57 UTC 2013  <asciilifeform>   benkay: disinfo, yeah

Sat Sep 14 22:48:22 UTC 2013  <asciilifeform>   benkay: no matter what you do, resistance heat coils are still cheaper - if only because nobody cancelled thermodynamics (look up how many joules it takes to fab even 1970s silicon.)

Sat Sep 14 22:49:14 UTC 2013  <asciilifeform>   benkay: I was talking about the amount of energy spent in producing the chips

Sat Sep 14 22:53:16 UTC 2013  <asciilifeform>   benkay: assuming the chips already exist (their cost of manufacture, in terms of energy and materials) has already been paid.

Sat Sep 14 22:57:04 UTC 2013  <asciilifeform>   benkay: the windmill would probably rake in more profit by selling the joules back to the local power co. (at least in countries where this is practiced.)

Sun Sep 15 18:50:58 UTC 2013  <reeses>   benkay: ohm's law, baby. Resistance is a bitch.

Sun Sep 15 23:38:31 UTC 2013  <Luke-Jr>   benkay: I don't expect that quantum nonsense to go anywhere that needs my involvement.

Tue Sep 17 22:10:52 UTC 2013  <jurov>   benkay: pm him on trolltalk

Thu Sep 19 05:13:55 UTC 2013  <BingoBoingo>   benkay: I have about a hundred SSL certificates. Having a certificate for Google doesn't make you Google though. It is much the same as how killing Jesse James doesn't make you Jesse James.

Thu Sep 19 05:15:44 UTC 2013  <BingoBoingo>   benkay: Because they don't know GPG?

Thu Sep 19 05:18:44 UTC 2013  <BingoBoingo>   benkay: If I don't want an editor that can play MacroHard wy would I want one that plays pong?

Thu Sep 19 05:33:38 UTC 2013  <BingoBoingo>   benkay: You have seem so averse to getting this new ASIC scammer/vendor to committ to a bet where they put skinb on the line as per http://trilema.com/2013/the-positive-market-effects-of-the-delivery-bet/ (benkay are you the only person here without a trilema subscription?)

Thu Sep 19 05:36:26 UTC 2013  <BingoBoingo>   benkay: Congitive, like the worst mining... thing...

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