Matches for trademark, 98 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
25-09-2017 13:04:49 <assbot> TRADEMARK BATTLE UPDATE - Dweezil Zappa ... ( )
25-09-2017 13:03:03 <funkenstein_> in copyrasty news: ?Dweezil? is a trademark belonging to the Zappa Family Trust.?- excerpt from ZFT legal document
08-03-2016 23:22:46 <mircea_popescu> hanbot nubbins` is just doing his trademark low hanging fruit thing, "what's the lowest effort thing i could possibly do to maintain the pretense i'm doing something". that's his coping mechanism with life, it "worked pretty well" or whatever, it's what he knows, it's what he does. there's a whole stack of these idiots running around like pointless chickens, i dunno that much need be explained.
18-02-2016 22:56:56 <asciilifeform> i still want to know why torvalds refuses to enforce his trademark
12-01-2016 06:46:13 <punkman> "Roll Tide is the rallying cry for the Alabama Crimson Tide athletic teams. The trademark to the phrase is claimed by the University of Alabama, with licensing and marketing by The Collegiate Licensing Company."
28-12-2015 00:45:20 <adlai> or is deedbot now trademark registry
18-12-2015 13:11:18 <assbot> Logged on 18-12-2015 05:24:47; asciilifeform: btw, mircea_popescu, ever ask torvalds why he doesn't shutter 'linux foundation' for pissing on ~his~ trademark ?
18-12-2015 05:31:26 <asciilifeform> 'The Linux Foundation and Linux Standard Base are trademarks of The Linux Foundation. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.' << how the fuq does this work
18-12-2015 05:24:47 <asciilifeform> btw, mircea_popescu, ever ask torvalds why he doesn't shutter 'linux foundation' for pissing on ~his~ trademark ?
12-12-2015 08:48:09 <*> adlai rushes to the trademark press
08-12-2015 08:14:00 <BingoBoingo> ^ Trademark filing jsut because
19-11-2015 00:15:19 <mircea_popescu> anyway. i hadn't any idea such a thing as "British Board of Film Certification" existed. amusingly, i still don't. nice reddit name or w/e it was, facebook trademark.
09-10-2015 04:42:44 <mitch_callahan> a guy in the US bought the trademark and brought it back
18-09-2015 21:12:54 <assbot> "Y Combinator" Too Generic To Trademark | Qntra ... ( )
18-09-2015 21:09:16 <assbot> "Y Combinator" Too Generic To Trademark | Qntra ... ( )
18-09-2015 21:09:15 <mircea_popescu> << damned zeke party pooper ruining qntra agenda pushing!
17-09-2015 20:15:22 <assbot> Logged on 17-09-2015 19:55:51; mircea_popescu: well at least the shitheads didn't try to trademark the integral sign
17-09-2015 19:58:38 <BingoBoingo> <mircea_popescu> well at least the shitheads didn't try to trademark the integral sign << Amazing where tiny bits of proto-sanity appear in USG
17-09-2015 19:55:51 <mircea_popescu> well at least the shitheads didn't try to trademark the integral sign