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Matches for trademark, 98 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Wed Jun 18 14:08:31 UTC 2014  <chetty>   http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/us-patent-office-cancels-redskins-trademark-registration-says-name-is-disparaging/2014/06/18/e7737bb8-f6ee-11e3-8aa9-dad2ec039789_story.html

Wed Jun 18 14:08:31 UTC 2014  <assbot>   U.S. Patent office cancels Redskins trademark registration, says name is disparaging - The Washington Post

Wed Jun 11 04:37:10 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   jurov: bitcoin is registered trademark nao << always has been. by... mtgox. bcause... "it;'s better someone with bitcoin's interests at heart have the tm than someone random"

Tue Jun 10 12:05:01 UTC 2014  <jurov>   bitcoin is registered trademark nao

Tue Jun 10 12:04:43 UTC 2014  <jurov>   One or more of the domain names in your order contain a registered trademark. DAFUQ

Mon May 26 19:35:14 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   This is the brand and trademark page for RUNWAY BEAUTY which was created on August 20th, 2007 by Runway Beauty, an CORPORATION. The trademark owner is located at 8637 E. Berridge ln. in Scottsdale, ARIZONA. Runway Beauty can be contacted at 480-361-5012, odci@cox.net

Sat May 24 23:35:09 UTC 2014  <punkman>   " After a 2009 trademark-infringement claim was brought by California's North Coast Brewing Company due to the name's similarity to their existing "Old Rasputin" beer of the same style, De Molen changed the name on the American export label to "Disputin" in a humorous reference to the controversy."

Tue May 20 15:23:51 UTC 2014  <fluffypony>   bitcoinpete: the IPO can include the patents and trademark registration, plus a strong "merchant adoption strategy" and "dynamic userbase growth path", as well as "a drive to be included in all modern dictionaries and encyclopaedias (eg. wikipedia, wiktionary)". We can call it S.SAUCE

Sun May 18 11:39:02 UTC 2014  <Vexual>   I think ass could call that trademark in law

Tue May 06 14:58:41 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   not like i own the trademark.

Tue Apr 22 20:41:31 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   neither are fiat bills (not in the sense of the physical bill, but in the sense of it being authorised, it'll get reprinted, and trhe bill is that trademark that spawns the authirisation)

Thu Apr 17 19:10:34 UTC 2014  <fluffypony>   davout: it was registered 4 months before bitcoin-central, so you'd probably have to go the trademark route + bad faith or demonstrate that you announced the name somewhere and the act of registering the domain was cybersquatting+bad faith use

Tue Apr 15 15:09:32 UTC 2014  <joecool>   mircea_popescu: for a US trademark, i think it cost ~$400 or so

Tue Apr 15 15:09:21 UTC 2014  <Apocalyptic>   http://bases-marques.inpi.fr/ confirms the trademark

Tue Apr 15 15:08:18 UTC 2014  <fluffypony>   mircea_popescu: was that costly? I'm an Italian citizen, wife is German, so I can register an EU trademark instead of the shitty meaningless South African one

Tue Apr 15 15:07:25 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   ima buy bitcoins out of trademark enforcing moneyz, how about that!

Tue Apr 15 15:06:36 UTC 2014  <*>   fluffypony has no idea how EU trademark law works

Tue Apr 15 15:06:28 UTC 2014  <fluffypony>   is the trademark registered in the EU, or just in Romania?

Tue Apr 15 15:05:35 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   soo, some twerps in spain decided "trilema" sounds kinda cool, started a foundation whatever. i sent them a friendly note about six months ago pointing out that it's a registered trademark and they're playing with fire. which they ignored.

Sat Apr 12 10:52:37 UTC 2014  <fluffypony>   I keep getting trademark requests from China

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