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Matches for trademark, 98 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Sat Mar 22 17:59:11 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   trademark. on yellow plastic.

Sat Mar 22 17:52:54 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   tldr - fluke corp. has a trademark on... yellow voltmeters. chinese shipment of yellow voltmeters held up at customs, burned.

Tue Mar 18 00:30:36 UTC 2014  <ninjashogun>   asciilifeform, given my high-risk profile what APR would you (personally) extend me on between $7K-$22.5K (amount I take depends on APR) with no collateral except a registered Delaware C-Corp I'm currently full owner of (100%) going to 90% after an investment clears that I've committed to - the company has intellectual property including a patent that is pending and trademark that has been assigned, as well the equipment I

Wed Mar 12 00:54:22 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   MAKABEakira in principle it is externalisable, but in practice it's a problematic point, because if you scam the users on my trademark i'll have to kill you.

Sun Mar 09 01:12:23 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   The trademark is a subsidiary of and owned by Conair Corporation which acquired the brand following Cuisinart's bankruptcy in 1989.

Thu Feb 27 08:51:04 UTC 2014  <davout>   i don't know how it works in other countries, but in france when you trademark sthg, you must also specify the scope in terms of activity the trademark is to be used in

Thu Feb 27 08:46:58 UTC 2014  <davout>   i'm not sure the bitcoin trademark is worth that much

Thu Feb 27 08:46:30 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   you can't hold a trademark on people's legal names against their use thereof.

Thu Feb 27 08:45:03 UTC 2014  <davout>   oh yeah, i forgot about the trademark

Thu Feb 27 08:44:44 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   the only thing is the bitcoin trademark, which was IDIOTICALLY assigned to mtgox by people without a clue

Wed Feb 26 21:29:23 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   A. James Manchin either delighted or appalled the West Virginia voters. Many people, especially senior citizens, loved the attention he bestowed upon them later as Secretary of State. He would produce a certificate with a gold star and make quite a production of just about anyone's service to "Mother West Virginia." Giving away his trademark white or black fedora to young teenage boys along the campaign trail, Manch

Sun Dec 15 00:26:25 UTC 2013  <pankkake>   yeah, that's a government trademark

Tue Nov 26 00:05:50 UTC 2013  <pascal257>   I'm wondering if he actually has the trademark for that

Sat Sep 07 17:32:49 UTC 2013  <Luke-Jr>   while Apple can define "macbook" because it is their trademark, English words are completely in the judge's discretion

Sat Sep 07 17:32:19 UTC 2013  <Luke-Jr>   nubbins`: nor is "unit" a trademark - it's an English word that can apply to collectives

Fri Jun 21 14:38:09 UTC 2013  <jcpham>   get with imsaguy on Coming Soon! (trademark)

Mon May 20 18:30:18 UTC 2013  <ThickAsThieves>   ("2 weeks" is trademark of the Butterfly Labs Corporation. All rights reserved.)

Thu May 09 06:41:45 UTC 2013  <dub>   In March 1992 Chinese authorities found that Shenzhen reflective materials institute had copied 650,000 Microsoft Corporation holograms. The institute was found to be guilty of trademark infringement against Microsoft, but was fined a mere US $252. Losses to Microsoft as a result of the infringement are estimated at US $30 million.

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