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Matches for understand how the world works, 76 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Mon Mar 14 15:50:33 UTC 2016  <ben_vulpes>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-03-2016#1431714 << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-03-2016#1432045 << upon consideration the (absurd! ridiculous! i don't understand how the world works!) schelling point is for kakobrekla and mircea_popescu to split the haul

Sat Mar 05 21:12:36 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   and sure, you can blame the miners. the problem is - the design sort-of forced this endgame upon them. i doubt most of the chinese even understand ~what went wrong~, in the very faint general, letalone in this specific ~what we did wrong~. by the chinese bible they were being very reasonable and i just don't understand how the world works. ach ach my dear fellow mp.

Sat Mar 05 03:15:46 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   i don't think you understand how the world works.

Thu Feb 18 00:43:09 UTC 2016  <ben_vulpes>   mircea_popescu: you just don't understand how the world works

Tue Jan 26 17:18:54 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   shut up you don't understand how the world works.

Tue Jan 19 02:05:15 UTC 2016  <ben_vulpes>   gosh mircea_popescu you just don't understand how the world works do you

Wed Dec 30 21:37:39 UTC 2015  <pete_dushenski>   "All of this adds up to a multifaceted perception problem for those of us who are operating legitimate businesses that are dependent on Bitcoin. Both trustworthiness and terminology matter." << bitcoin clearly needs more marketing from chuck et al., only then can bitcoin truly succeed as a tool for fiat banks to understand how the world works.

Fri Nov 20 14:25:37 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   you don't understand how the world works!

Thu Nov 19 16:21:49 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   you don;'t understand how the world works.

Wed Nov 04 23:41:42 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-11-2015#1315996 << lmao you don't understand how the world works.

Thu Oct 22 04:36:58 UTC 2015  <pete_dushenski>   BingoBoingo: you don't understand how the world works, bitcoin needs more professionalism and less making enemies of one another

Tue Sep 22 16:35:56 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   you don;t understand how the world works.

Mon Sep 21 03:56:40 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   you don't understand how the world works.

Sat Sep 19 17:28:46 UTC 2015  <*>   ben_vulpes doesn't understand anything about how the world works

Sun Jul 26 17:59:29 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   "how obama made sense in english" "how putin doesn't understand how the world works" "how a bored housewife discovered the secret barbers hate"

Sun Jul 19 00:23:17 UTC 2015  <pete_dushenski>   u dun understand how the world works.

Thu Jul 02 16:27:40 UTC 2015  <ben_vulpes>   no man you just don't understand how the world works

Fri Jun 26 18:56:27 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   and putin doesn't understand how the world works, and so on.

Sat Jun 13 22:46:20 UTC 2015  <pete_dushenski>   cazalla: lol i guess i'm one of those unreasonable assholes who doesn't understand how the world works

Thu Jun 11 22:38:29 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   you don't understand how the world works trinque m'boy.

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