Matches for vpn, 122 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Fri Dec 29 21:13:58 UTC 2017 <assbot> Full Premium CyberGhost VPN cracked with dll patch - YouTube ... ( )
Wed Oct 25 16:52:22 UTC 2017 <funkenstein_> punkman it took a bit of searching for the right commands but i did get streisand script to install a working l2tp/ipsec vpn server thanks :)
Wed Oct 25 07:09:35 UTC 2017 <funkenstein_> punkman do you have any advice on a script for easy setup of vpn server on vps ?
Fri Oct 20 07:43:57 UTC 2017 <assbot> FBI Arrests A Cyberstalker After Shady "No-Logs" VPN Provider Shared User Logs ... ( )
Sun Jun 11 15:31:24 UTC 2017 <funkenstein_> Framedragger, get a vpn here, you can avoid the googlies
Mon Mar 13 16:48:33 UTC 2017 <funkenstein_> and make your site inaccessible to a billion people unless they hire a separate vpn service
Tue Dec 06 02:11:07 UTC 2016 <funkenstein_> well worth finding my way through the latest in anti-vpn tech of the great firewall to discover prince EA. Educator of the year. E.g.:
Wed May 25 17:28:22 UTC 2016 <jurov> and no hulu or anything else (except hru vpn)
Sun Feb 28 03:15:29 UTC 2016 <BingoBoingo> ration of VPN and PKI services. The company CRYPTO-PRO adapts crypto CryptoPro SSP, are widely used, in particular, for the authorization of electronic signatures in the documents. Adaptation also tested cryptographic USB-tokens Rutoken S and Rutoken electronic signature for secure two-factor authentication in computer systems and storage of key information."
Sun Feb 07 23:04:18 UTC 2016 <maqp> Sure it has it has it's problems. But the only alternative is secure-by-policy VPN
Sat Feb 06 04:07:00 UTC 2016 <danielpbarron> heh, dat vpn
Thu Feb 04 03:24:10 UTC 2016 <mats> looks like garza hostname belongs to a vpn
Wed Jan 20 02:07:41 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> the first mode can be disregarded as it does not result in a public node. it is useful for running hotwallets on your own lan, for running mircea_popescu-style 'dark' nodes over ad hoc vpn with kim jong il, etc.
Sun Jan 17 23:09:12 UTC 2016 <assbot> Logged on 17-01-2016 21:18:20; phf: (what the hell happened to linux ecosystem? 5-th tutorial on "openvpn on linux" is basically "make sure you have file a, file b and file c. now click open in open-gnome-vpn-assistant..")
Sun Jan 17 21:18:20 UTC 2016 <phf> (what the hell happened to linux ecosystem? 5-th tutorial on "openvpn on linux" is basically "make sure you have file a, file b and file c. now click open in open-gnome-vpn-assistant..")
Fri Dec 18 18:07:29 UTC 2015 <ascii_field> 'During a recent internal code review, Juniper discovered unauthorized code in ScreenOS that could allow a knowledgeable attacker to gain administrative access to NetScreen® devices and to decrypt VPN connections.'
Tue Dec 01 01:03:15 UTC 2015 <pete_dushenski> not like vpn's are good for much but working around paywalls and geo-locationtardation anyways.
Tue Dec 01 00:59:44 UTC 2015 <pete_dushenski> " The vulnerability relies on the fact that a direct route exists between the VPN client and server. If the client accesses a forwarded port on the VPN server that is maliciously set up by an attacker, the client will use the direct route using the user's default route, bypassing the VPN entirely."
Tue Dec 01 00:58:56 UTC 2015 <pete_dushenski> e-mail from private internet access : ""Dear Valued Customer, On November 17, we were privately notified of an IP address leak vulnerability affecting the port forwarding feature of our service. Essentially, anyone connecting to a forwarded port on any of our VPN gateways could have their real IP address leaked to an attacker specifically targeting a PIA user."