Matches for xilinx, 93 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
12-05-2017 04:16:10 <asciilifeform> snoar, yet another intel+nvidia+xilinx box.
28-03-2017 19:10:20 <asciilifeform> even ye olde parallel port thing that xilinx used to include with books, works.
01-12-2016 08:46:06 <punkman> asciilifeform: cool stuff. does the xilinx chip not need proprietary shitchain?
10-03-2016 04:17:31 <asciilifeform> (inside is also a xilinx fpga and some sram.)
06-02-2016 02:19:00 <asciilifeform> and in the 'roadmap' link we specifically see 'xilinx.'
06-02-2016 02:18:28 <asciilifeform> !s xilinx
06-02-2016 02:18:28 <assbot> 86 results for 'xilinx' :
22-01-2016 02:24:10 <asciilifeform> gabriel_laddel: fpga is pretty much never mounted in a socket (the low end xilinx cpld, e.g., 95xx series, do come in plcc - but high pin count makes this a bitch)
29-12-2015 14:02:58 <ascii_butugychag> << why not buy xilinx also..?
01-12-2015 15:26:45 <asciilifeform> today reversing a xilinx chip is largely a waste of time, a good chunk of the functionality is in quite un-fpgaish special-purpose chunks which get reshuffled with each new model
01-12-2015 15:25:20 <asciilifeform> << famous among aficionados. 'neocad' actually reversed the time's xilinx fpga line. 'had to die.'
08-07-2015 18:05:46 <gabriel_laddel> To any "hackers" reading the logs - rather than going after hackteam, try xilinx, lattice semiconductor next time?
08-07-2015 18:00:06 <ascii_field> this all happened before, with xilinx
25-06-2015 17:02:12 <*> asciilifeform discovered, during unrelated research, that xilinx's 'coolrunner' cpld series - a very simple programmable logic gizmo with very homogeneous/regular physical structure - can hold a simple risc cpu...
23-06-2015 21:49:32 <assbot> azonenberg:xilinx:xc2c32a [Silicon Pr0n] ... ( )
23-06-2015 21:49:30 <ascii_field> << more re: xc32
23-06-2015 21:36:06 <ascii_field> ^ of interest to all 'xilinx' aficionados
17-06-2015 18:05:34 <ascii_field> and you don't have the ones you might like, but solely the ones the chip came with from xilinx etc
17-06-2015 17:57:21 <ascii_field> (and only a paid-up, to the tune of 100K+ usd, or well-cracked, xilinx toolchain, will even talk to the $200-300 ones)
17-06-2015 17:56:23 <ascii_field> price some of the larger xilinx chips