Matches for xilinx, 93 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
28-09-2014 02:52:48 <asciilifeform> xilinx.
24-03-2015 18:40:07 <ascii_field> !s xilinx
10-04-2015 20:30:46 <ascii_field> !s xilinx
06-02-2016 02:18:28 <asciilifeform> !s xilinx
13-08-2014 23:49:15 <asciilifeform> !s xilinx
25-08-2014 03:31:40 <decimation> the xilinx board?
11-12-2014 01:53:26 <asciilifeform> !s xilinx
16-10-2014 19:31:48 <ascii_on_tour> !s xilinx
31-12-2014 02:59:17 <asciilifeform> closes xilinx turd, yes
09-05-2013 01:28:15 <asciilifeform> dub: an ordinary Xilinx proto board
27-09-2014 03:08:25 <decimation> yeah the old xilinx part
17-06-2015 17:56:23 <ascii_field> price some of the larger xilinx chips
23-06-2015 21:36:06 <ascii_field> ^ of interest to all 'xilinx' aficionados
08-07-2015 18:00:06 <ascii_field> this all happened before, with xilinx
06-02-2016 02:19:00 <asciilifeform> and in the 'roadmap' link we specifically see 'xilinx.'
10-03-2016 04:17:31 <asciilifeform> (inside is also a xilinx fpga and some sram.)
12-05-2017 04:16:10 <asciilifeform> snoar, yet another intel+nvidia+xilinx box.
18-07-2013 10:41:15 <mjr_> i have some pretty good xilinx code myself
28-09-2014 02:29:17 <asciilifeform> 'xilinx' in particular brags of 'nsa certified' whatevers.
31-12-2014 03:00:13 <BingoBoingo> Sure, but what sphicter sculpts the Xilinx turd.