Matches for zoolag, 105 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
22-02-2017 00:14:05 <asciilifeform> presently the patch is on 1 box -- dulap. if it carries on keeping up (as it currently does), i will switch over zoolag, my other node. and other trb folks may consider likewise patching theirs.
22-02-2017 00:10:03 <punkman> asciilifeform: punkman: believe or not, it can << right... "in other wtf's, banning pings took dulap from 50+ to 7 peers (1 of which is zoolag), and none of'em seem to know of any block past 454073"
03-05-2016 23:46:12 <asciilifeform> anyone who was relying on zoolag - (kako?) - it is back, at
19-03-2016 21:03:14 <assbot> Logged on 19-03-2016 20:51:53; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> interestingly, it was among those NEVER exposed directly to the net, fed -connect directly from zoolag << that IS interesting. wut ?!
19-03-2016 20:51:53 <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform> interestingly, it was among those NEVER exposed directly to the net, fed -connect directly from zoolag << that IS interesting. wut ?!
19-03-2016 18:48:02 <asciilifeform> interestingly, it was among those NEVER exposed directly to the net, fed -connect directly from zoolag (on lan)
01-03-2016 19:41:28 <asciilifeform> zoolag is a different machine !
01-03-2016 19:37:22 <assbot> 96 results for 'zoolag' :
01-03-2016 19:37:21 <ben_vulpes> !s zoolag
21-02-2016 17:10:04 <asciilifeform> gotta do a few things to the mains wiring, i (and zoolag) will be down for 30 min. to an hour.
17-02-2016 02:12:20 <asciilifeform> on zoolag, to be specific
03-02-2016 23:09:17 <assbot> Logged on 03-02-2016 13:29:59; asciilifeform: in other news, zoolag was blackholed for a record-breaking 8 hours.
03-02-2016 16:56:16 <ascii_butugychag> nor does idem, running on SAME BOX as zoolag in parallel with it and -connected to it and the other trbs.
03-02-2016 13:29:59 <asciilifeform> in other news, zoolag was blackholed for a record-breaking 8 hours.
18-01-2016 23:25:08 <pete_dushenski> looked like bucephalus was stuck at one point earlier as well. and zoolag is consistently trailing too. (at least according to bitnodes)
11-01-2016 03:29:10 <assbot> Logged on 11-01-2016 02:56:50; BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ^ currently in live fire on zoolag and dulap << Applied to my bastardized testbed
11-01-2016 02:56:50 <BingoBoingo> <asciilifeform> ^ currently in live fire on zoolag and dulap << Applied to my bastardized testbed
11-01-2016 01:08:12 <asciilifeform> ^ currently in live fire on zoolag and dulap
10-01-2016 17:22:13 <asciilifeform> achtung panzers: zoolag is back online.
10-01-2016 16:22:10 <asciilifeform> achtung panzerz! brief scheduled outage on zoolag, starting now.