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Matches for 'nobody is that stupid', 10 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Sat Feb 06 16:29:12 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   sorta like in the early colonies it was ok to say "tomatoes are poisonous" and nobody was supposed to notice that "Eating off lead plates because you wanna be as cool as the europeans eating off silver but are poor and stupid is still a bad plan".

Fri Jun 05 03:16:41 UTC 2015  <decimation>   The moral is that we should be ashamed of ourselves and aspire to be as virtuous as this child. But of course in reality this child would have been arrested and executed, alongside his parents. Which is obviously why nobody tells the king about his new clothes. They?re not stupid.

Sat Feb 14 18:02:58 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   more like, "saving the environment" is just as silly as any one thing a bunch of useless, stupid and ignorant entities that only exist because nobody ground uncle sam into the ground yet could ever do.

Sun Jan 11 17:45:10 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   suppose nobody bothers to manage (ie, even TELL kids when they're saying something smart or stupid) because everyone that could be that is too busy attenting the teacher's unions meetings where they discuss which class is more valuable.

Wed Nov 12 15:05:19 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   the idea was that the young and stupid are readily satisfied by the current model, on account of their vast ignorance. but nobody else is.

Thu Nov 06 02:44:34 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   asciilifeform my point is merely that if a space already has a bad solution, implementing a bad solution by nobody is stupid.

Thu Oct 02 21:19:25 UTC 2014  <kakobrekla>   !s 'nobody is that stupid'

Thu Oct 02 21:19:25 UTC 2014  <assbot>   1 results for ''nobody is that stupid'' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=%27nobody+is+that+stupid%27

Thu Oct 02 21:18:27 UTC 2014  <kakobrekla>   nobody is that stupid

Sat May 25 00:52:34 UTC 2013  <mircea_popescu>   that reason is that you need to get paid. nobody this stupid has any money