Matches for beetle men, 7 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
25-08-2015 02:31:03 <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: pretty sure he was speaking of his 'beetle men'
14-10-2014 01:42:42 <decimation> "the rule-following beetle men" << asciilifeform - the same ones who would conspire to breach attorney-client privilege ;)
14-10-2014 01:15:39 <asciilifeform> the rule-following beetle men, they will read 'victims must be buried in coffins' and literally order it done, in precisely that way
14-10-2014 01:15:10 <assbot> 2 results for 'beetle men' :
14-10-2014 01:15:09 <asciilifeform> !s beetle men
27-03-2014 03:13:17 <asciilifeform> possible revelance to beetle men discussion:
16-02-2014 03:57:29 <asciilifeform> even predominated. Actually, so far as he could judge, the majority of people in Airstrip One were small, dark, and ill-favoured. It was curious how that beetle-like type proliferated in the Ministries: little dumpy men, growing stout very early in life, with short legs, swift scuttling movements, and fat inscrutable faces with very small eyes. It was the type that seemed to flourish best under the dominion of