Matches for benkay dream, 11 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Sat Jul 26 23:30:25 UTC 2014 <assbot> 18 results for 'benkay dream' :
Sat Jul 26 23:30:24 UTC 2014 <benkay> !s benkay dream
Mon Jul 14 19:03:10 UTC 2014 <asciilifeform> benkay: ancient project. objective, in reality, is to bring on the wet dream of dod contractors everywhere: bullet costing $MAXINT.
Thu May 08 21:05:09 UTC 2014 <benkay> "Mr. Anderson acknowledged that technical hurdles and cost considerations have turned the initial vision into a distant dream."
Mon May 05 00:00:39 UTC 2014 <benkay> actually told someone 'no, this 10k LOC won't get you all the way to your dream business, but it will get you selling crap online and that'll be enough to raise the remaining 40k to pay us to make the rest of the thing for you' recently.
Thu Apr 17 16:27:50 UTC 2014 <benkay> distributed autonomous corporations are the pipe dream of nerds who've never incorporated or run any business.
Wed Mar 19 06:37:25 UTC 2014 <bitcoinpete> benkay: well, in a nutshell, those were the dreams-of-smed-school days, a dream resolved by B- grades and a lot of poker. after undergrad, this being alberta, i spent a year selling trucks and started blogging. after selling truck got boring, i did an after-degree in environmental health and spent 2.5 years working as a public health inspector with the province. then…bitcoin. always had an interest in tech, investing,
Thu Mar 13 16:58:15 UTC 2014 <chetty> You sure that was dream benkay? Sounds like daily life
Thu Mar 13 16:56:59 UTC 2014 <benkay> chetty: in my dream every seat but the mid-row passenger seat in my truck was filled with a cop, and as I went to hop in my truck to do something, other cops stuffed me in the empty seat. and i haven't even been watching movies lately?
Sat Feb 08 08:46:56 UTC 2014 <benkay> ;;later tell asciilifeform the greenarray chips begin to approach your dream of computation fabric. they're obviously lacking in some important area, but i'll have to ask you about that later.
Sat Dec 21 08:00:10 UTC 2013 <benkay> the OOP dream of the nineties is alive in Py-thon...Py-thon!