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Matches for bitcoinpete blog, 70 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Tue Jul 29 03:59:43 UTC 2014  <bitcoinpete>   RebeccaBitcoin: nao he's learnt i gotz a blog

Tue Jul 29 03:58:52 UTC 2014  <bitcoinpete>   "please to call, read your blog, didn't know you felt that way…"

Mon Jul 28 05:35:51 UTC 2014  <bitcoinpete>   but then i need a new blog name

Mon Jul 28 05:28:05 UTC 2014  <bitcoinpete>   benkay: i'd like to see this diagram someday… y'know your blog would've been a good place for such a thing

Mon Jul 28 01:18:01 UTC 2014  <assbot>   88 results for 'bitcoinpete blog' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bitcoinpete+blog

Mon Jul 28 01:18:00 UTC 2014  <TheNewDeal>   !s bitcoinpete blog

Sun Jul 27 21:45:13 UTC 2014  <bitcoinpete>   man alive you guys wrote a lot in the time it took me to put that blog post together

Fri Jul 25 20:16:31 UTC 2014  <bitcoinpete>   mrstickball_: not at all. i haven't produced anything more tangible than a blog. slush sold $200 dongles for 2btc each

Fri Jul 25 17:24:34 UTC 2014  <bitcoinpete>   575 hits on dat ethereum blog so far

Fri Jul 25 17:23:55 UTC 2014  <bitcoinpete>   mircea_popescu: pigeons: wow really they are already trying to damage control the 1% of the press they get that isn't positive? and from a bitcoinpete (no offense lol) blog post? << the 1% happens to be what matters in this field. << pimps matter in every field

Thu Jul 24 22:00:58 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   pigeons: wow really they are already trying to damage control the 1% of the press they get that isn't positive? and from a bitcoinpete (no offense lol) blog post? << the 1% happens to be what matters in this field.

Thu Jul 24 14:11:25 UTC 2014  <bitcoinpete>   fluffypony: maybe people are pissed that Draper didn't reveal the USMS auction price on the Colbert Report yesterday << this theory should have its own blog post. maybe tie it into the baltic bitcoin conference one?

Thu Jul 24 14:00:12 UTC 2014  <bitcoinpete>   ThickAsThieves: where's your super scandalous blog post?

Thu Jul 24 13:53:34 UTC 2014  <pigeons>   wow really they are already trying to damage control the 1% of the press they get that isn't positive? and from a bitcoinpete (no offense lol) blog post?

Thu Jul 24 13:52:57 UTC 2014  <bitcoinpete>   fluffypony: saying "hi peter. this is anthony di iorio. i was just looking at that blog post. call me back."

Thu Jul 24 13:50:59 UTC 2014  <bitcoinpete>   well my blog post on the matter was fairly widely read.

Tue Jul 08 16:11:41 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   bitcoinpete sadly the odds of tlp actually seeing that video are nil, because a) he hasn't approved the comment on his blog still. a bunch of fucktards made > 50 comments since then with their fucktardery. if i were him i wouldn't ever read the comments on that blog, i'd rather read coindesk.

Tue Jul 08 06:01:42 UTC 2014  <bitcoinpete>   how long do i have to blog and irc to get some love around here

Tue Jul 01 03:24:36 UTC 2014  <jonvaage>   bitcoinpete helped the process along thanks to his blog.

Fri Jun 27 22:10:42 UTC 2014  <jurov>   ;;rate bitcoinpete 1 spiffy blog. coinbr trader.

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