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Matches for deer hunter, 21 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Wed May 18 18:29:22 UTC 2016  <asciilifeform>   usg luvvs dope dealers the way hunter loves deer.

Wed Jan 20 22:19:46 UTC 2016  <BingoBoingo>   One must understand. US hunter faces dilema. Wear walmart fashion and shoot deer, or settle for eating walmart "meat"

Fri Dec 18 14:49:24 UTC 2015  <asciilifeform>   in much the same way as a hunter loves deer

Mon Sep 07 17:34:26 UTC 2015  <ascii_field>   snore. orlovian deer/hunter symbiosis.

Thu Jun 25 05:32:54 UTC 2015  <asciilifeform>   there is also orlov's 'deer hunter' effect

Fri May 22 15:03:03 UTC 2015  <decimation>   asciilifeform: your earlier analogy of the deer kneeling before the hunter is apt

Sat Mar 21 05:48:50 UTC 2015  <asciilifeform>   the intelligence of the hunter and the deer are, it seems, linked.

Mon Jan 26 03:53:48 UTC 2015  <gribble>   MisterE was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 41 weeks, 2 days, 10 hours, 39 minutes, and 15 seconds ago: <MisterE> Deer Hunter was masterpiece

Wed Oct 22 17:42:57 UTC 2014  <gribble>   mistere was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 27 weeks, 5 days, 0 hours, 28 minutes, and 25 seconds ago: <MisterE> Deer Hunter was masterpiece

Mon Oct 13 19:07:51 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   (and yes, i intend to write a post re: 'technolordosis.' for the lack of a better term, my current mental name for the deer/hunter symbiosis of voluntary chumpitude previously discussed on many occasions)

Sat Oct 04 02:38:12 UTC 2014  <*>   asciilifeform can only apprehend an 'orlov's deer/hunter system' explanation for this

Fri Sep 26 19:22:22 UTC 2014  <assbot>   Logged on 09-07-2014 00:50:59; asciilifeform: '?we need a word that describes the artifacts generated in response to irrational actors who demand to be fooled. As the old saying goes, ?A fool and his money are soon parted? ? at the fool?s own insistence, no less! If the deer comes out of the forest and walks up to the hunter, it is not proper hunting, and this is not proper con artistry or grift or embezzlement or any other term we use to describ

Fri Sep 26 19:22:21 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   obligatory, orlov's deer hunter... http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-07-2014#750027

Wed Aug 13 14:47:41 UTC 2014  <assbot>   6 results for 'deer hunter' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=deer+hunter

Wed Aug 13 14:47:40 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   !s deer hunter

Sun Jul 20 03:10:30 UTC 2014  <decimation>   but this is a case of the deer kneeling in front of the hunter

Wed Jul 09 00:50:59 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   '?we need a word that describes the artifacts generated in response to irrational actors who demand to be fooled. As the old saying goes, ?A fool and his money are soon parted? ? at the fool?s own insistence, no less! If the deer comes out of the forest and walks up to the hunter, it is not proper hunting, and this is not proper con artistry or grift or embezzlement or any other term we use to describe

Fri Jun 27 03:31:17 UTC 2014  <decimation>   in the same way that ascii's hunter finds that the deer walk up to him and lay down

Thu May 29 19:31:59 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   'If the deer comes out of the forest and walks up to the hunter, it is not proper hunting, and this is not proper con artistry or grift or embezzlement or any other term we use to describe proper works of evil. If the victim, at the sight of the economic predator, goes into doggie submission, we must stop discussing the phenomenon in terms of conflict and consider whether what we are observing might be some stra

Fri Apr 11 17:14:37 UTC 2014  <MisterE>   Deer Hunter was masterpiece

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