Matches for deturdification, 8 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
12-12-2015 03:23:20 <danielpbarron> whatever that means, it still remains that bitcoin as it exists today is a giant ball of turd. The priority should be on deturdification before major rule changes, especially considering that no such changes are currently required to ensure its survival
31-10-2014 00:11:44 <undata> mircea_popescu: I think you missed the point of my comment on open source, which was in response to "how will we ever finish the deturdification"
30-10-2014 23:53:48 <mircea_popescu> undata: if there's an existing stripped down client the deturdification process is a waste of time <<< what are you, new ?
30-10-2014 20:21:50 <undata> if there's an existing stripped down client the deturdification process is a waste of time
28-10-2014 17:09:26 <asciilifeform> ben_vulpes, mircea_popescu, others involved with deturdification - unless you prefer emacs for this, see tools like 'xxdiff' for illuminated patches.
26-10-2014 10:01:55 <assbot> 1 results for 'deturdification' :
26-10-2014 10:01:54 <thestringpuller> !s deturdification
25-10-2014 17:45:46 <punkman> ;;ud deturdification