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Matches for drakula, 23 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Wed Nov 05 05:27:43 UTC 2014  <assbot>   21 results for 'drakula' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=drakula

Wed Nov 05 05:27:42 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   !s drakula

Tue Nov 04 01:44:45 UTC 2014  <assbot>   Logged on 17-02-2014 00:11:53; asciilifeform: "came to drakula two catholic monks, from the hungarian lands, pittances to collect. he ordered them brought apart, and called up one, pointed to the yard, where one could see many sat upon stakes, or on wheels broken. he did ask: 'was i just? and who are these people, sitting on stakes?' answered the monk, 'no, lord, you do evil, killing without mercy; a lord must be merciful. and those sat upon the

Mon Feb 17 19:10:11 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   when it's a case of "got five hours to get as many men on the boat as you can, and whoever's left gets to meet herr drakula"... trauma starts looking like cake.

Mon Feb 17 16:47:45 UTC 2014  <bones`>   no more drakula? I was enjoying that

Mon Feb 17 16:03:03 UTC 2014  <moiety>   chetty: so, drakula the big chief?!

Mon Feb 17 15:45:07 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   1486. "???????? ? ???????-???????." (tale of drakula, the chieftain.)

Mon Feb 17 15:20:23 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   nd the alms-seekers did burn. and spoke drakula to his nobles thusly, 'do you know why i did this? firstly, let them no more pester people, and let there be no more beggars in my lands, and all shall be wealthy; secondly, i have set them free; let them suffer no more upon this earth from poverty or illness.'

Mon Feb 17 15:20:22 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   try this one on for size then. 'once drakula proclaimed: let it be known throughout all of his lands, that all who are old, or invalid, or diseased, or poor, shall come to him. and so came to him an untold multitude of beggars and vagabonds, awaiting generous alms. he ordered them all brought to a house for this purpose built, and had food and wine brought to them. they feasted amidst great merriment. drakula t

Mon Feb 17 15:20:22 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   hen came to them in person, and asked 'what more do you wish?' they answered thusly: 'it is known only to god, lord, and to you: do that which god commands you.' he asked further of them: 'do you wish me to make you happy in this world, wanting for nothing?' they, awaiting from him great generosity, replied in unison, 'yes, we do want, our lord!' and then drakula ordered the house sealed and put to the torch, a

Mon Feb 17 15:12:32 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   ke a rogue, storms into the home of a great lord. had he come to me and spoke reason, i would have found the rogue in my home and either given him up, or asked for his reprieve.' the king was told of this. and he laughed, and marvelled at drakula's approach.'

Mon Feb 17 15:12:31 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   'when the king freed [exiled] drakula from the dungeon, he lead him to buda, and gifted to him a house in pest, opposite buda, but to his court not yet permitted him. and then it happened that some fleeing rogue ran into drakula's manor and took refuge there. the pursuers sought the rogue there and found him. then drakula lept up, snatched his sword, ran from his quarters and beheaded the constable who had caug

Mon Feb 17 15:12:31 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   ht the rogue - and released the rogue. the other constables took flight, and, when they came to the judge, spoke to him of this. the judge and his horsemen went to the king with complaint of drakula. the king a messenger to drakula, to ask, 'why have you wrought this evil?' he replies thusly, 'no evil have i wrought, but the constable has slaine himself with his own hand: such shall be the demise of any who, li

Mon Feb 17 06:13:36 UTC 2014  <moiety>   proper drakula

Mon Feb 17 00:33:39 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   k to a great lord.' such was the custom of drakula: when an inexperienced envoy came to him, from a king or an emperor, and could not answer the wily questions of drakula, he would be sat upon a stake, drakula saying to him this: 'not i am to blame for your demise, but your lord is, or perhaps you are. for if your lord knew that you are unintelligent and inexperienced, and still sent you to me - a wise lord, yo

Mon Feb 17 00:33:34 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   to blame for my demise, but i alone.' drakula laughed, and spoke thus, 'had you not answered as you did, you would have sat down upon this stake.' and the lord ordered the envoy honoured, and gifted, and sent off in peace, with the words: 'you may walk as an envoy from great lords, to great lords, because you know how to speak to great lords; while others ought not even try, but let them first learn how to spea

Mon Feb 17 00:33:33 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   'came once to drakula an envoy from the great hungarian king mathias; a noble baron, of polish birth. and drakula did sit and dine with him among the corpses. and the envoy saw before him on the ground, a thick and gilded stake, and then drakula asked of the envoy: 'tell me, for what have i prepared this stake?' fear took hold of the envoy, who thought a while, and spoke: 'seems to me, my lord, that someone amo

Mon Feb 17 00:33:33 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   ng the noble has dealt with you unjustly, and for him you have prepared a death more stately than for others.' drakula answered, 'you speak the truth. here you are - an envoy of a great lord, a kingly emissary, it is for you that i have crafted this stake.' answered the envoy, 'lord, if i have wrought an injustice worthy of death - do with me as you will. you are an impartial judge - it is not you who shall be

Mon Feb 17 00:18:52 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   'came once from the hungarian lands a merchant to the city of drakula. and, as is custom at his court, left his cart on the city street in front of the house, and his wares - on the cart, and himself went to sleep in the house. and someone did steal from the cart 160 gold ducats. the merchant came to drakula, spoke to him of the missing gold. drakula answered, 'go, this same night you will have your gold again.

Mon Feb 17 00:18:52 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   ' and ordered that in the whole city the thief be sought, 'should you fail to find him, the city shall perish.' and ordered the same night his old gold placed on the cart - with one added duacat. morning came, the mechant counted the gold, and counted again, then exclaimed: 'i have my gold again, but a ducat is extra!' and then the thief was caught, and the stolen gold brought. spoke drakula to the merchant th

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