Matches for fulda, 6 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
20-05-2015 14:29:14 <mircea_popescu> c) god comes back in the shape of Kennedy and the Fulda gap. herring is being airlifted into berlin
09-05-2015 03:41:39 <mircea_popescu> had beria not been pro-us, but symetrically anti, the fulda gap'd have been taken in a week and well... russia from sea to sea.
26-10-2014 17:04:34 <asciilifeform> !s fulda
26-10-2014 17:04:34 <assbot> 1 results for 'fulda' :
26-10-2014 17:03:26 <asciilifeform> at any rate, btc mining is the 'fulda gap moment' for all of these folks. all the shitgnomery corrupting, subverting computing mechanisms of every kind - suddenly, it all had a purpose.
23-10-2014 05:56:25 <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform well yes, pretty much every single gi item has fulda fucking stamped on it.