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Matches for heysteve landlords, 6 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

10-12-2015 18:01:54  <mircea_popescu>   http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=heysteve+landlords more on point.

10-12-2015 18:01:54  <assbot>   4 results for 'heysteve landlords' - #bitcoin-assets search

18-10-2015 13:49:01  <HeySteve>   also, landlords do compete for smart tenants with options, as as per pete's point 1. so here is an aspect other than lowering prices which owners can use to attract good tenants (who can appreciate the benefits of "no" custodial risk).

18-10-2015 13:12:13  <mircea_popescu>   HeySteve the point is there's a big demand for such a service << yes, but the demand is from people who aren't willing to take any steps to enforce it. and it's for you to magically oppress property holders on their behalf. this isn't how property works, the fact that the landlords hold that property "free and clear" specifically means that they are immune from a guy named heysteve and his plans for the future. this is

16-10-2015 13:24:55  <assbot>   Logged on 16-10-2015 08:03:55; HeySteve: if the scheme takes off, it's also a way for honest landlords to attract tenants by declaring their compliance to a standard

16-10-2015 08:03:55  <HeySteve>   if the scheme takes off, it's also a way for honest landlords to attract tenants by declaring their compliance to a standard