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Matches for microphonics, 7 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

11-11-2015 01:37:55  <kakobrekla>   yeah cable microphonics are annoying as fuck.

14-03-2015 02:55:30  <assbot>   4 results for 'microphonics' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=microphonics

14-03-2015 02:55:29  <asciilifeform>   !s microphonics

25-11-2014 02:51:21  <asciilifeform>   if microphonics.

25-11-2014 02:50:56  <assbot>   47 results for 'microphonics' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=microphonics

25-11-2014 02:50:52  <asciilifeform>   !s microphonics

21-11-2014 05:31:37  <decimation>   inductor microphonics are the bane of anyone trying to make a very stable rf circuit