Matches for miracles, 29 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Tue Feb 16 17:59:09 UTC 2016 <BingoBoingo> asciilifeform: Miracles. No. Just slowly building a history. This is how samizdat werkz nao.
Tue Feb 16 17:58:35 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: the blackout re: trb is more or less total, don't expect miracles
Sat Feb 13 19:42:20 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> as a matter of faith working miracles or somesuch.
Tue Jan 19 13:05:20 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> kakobrekla: the basic problem is that there are no miracles, semiconductors have a temperature ceiling, the heat has to leave as quickly as it appears, or meltdown
Sat Jan 16 18:35:19 UTC 2016 <assbot> Logged on 16-01-2016 14:16:09; mircea_popescu: it's complicated. for the true believer (not everyone who reads the books gives a shit, you realise, though many do) faith is a major factor, as measured in two things : uniques (on the theory that hey, god wouldn't allow the flock to scatter) and miracles (on the theory that nature is a whore, and whoever she picks is king).
Sat Jan 16 14:16:09 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> it's complicated. for the true believer (not everyone who reads the books gives a shit, you realise, though many do) faith is a major factor, as measured in two things : uniques (on the theory that hey, god wouldn't allow the flock to scatter) and miracles (on the theory that nature is a whore, and whoever she picks is king).
Fri Jan 08 12:12:49 UTC 2016 <copypaste> in the third world a lawyer can make miracles happen
Thu Aug 13 16:00:57 UTC 2015 <assbot> Logged on 13-08-2015 14:44:54; pete_dushenski: shinohai: wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles, i took rotor by the hand, turned him around and - miracle of miracles - led him to the promised land !
Thu Aug 13 14:44:54 UTC 2015 <pete_dushenski> shinohai: wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles, i took rotor by the hand, turned him around and - miracle of miracles - led him to the promised land !
Mon Jun 01 02:47:05 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> not impossible, but 'first rule out the usual suspects, then - miracles'
Wed Jan 21 01:45:52 UTC 2015 <nubbins`> you have any idea how many fuckin miracles my folks didn't let me buy?!
Tue Oct 14 13:26:42 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> jurov: good we have two. yet better they don't diverge. <<< b-a is apparently not short of miracles i tell you.
Tue Oct 07 18:57:46 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> and miracles are in short supply these days.
Mon Sep 29 20:16:10 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> 'why can't miracles be accepted in science"
Sun Sep 28 02:08:21 UTC 2014 <asciilifeform> !s miracles
Sun Sep 28 02:08:21 UTC 2014 <assbot> 46 results for 'miracles' :
Sat Sep 27 02:34:09 UTC 2014 <assbot> Why Science Can't Accept Miracles (Even if They Really Exist)
Tue Jun 24 20:49:31 UTC 2014 <cedivad> nah, that was the tip of the iceberg. And ars is good, but not good enought. it's difficult for us to understand what is really going on, a jurnalist cannot do miracles
Fri Apr 04 21:25:35 UTC 2014 <Luke-Jr> although even with miracles, one cannot justify changing doctrine
Fri Apr 04 21:25:16 UTC 2014 <Luke-Jr> jurov: danielpbarron is absolutely right to demand miracles to testify to shepherds who cannot trace their authority to the Apostles