Matches for molina, 14 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
08-01-2015 04:46:39 <assbot> Logged on 01-03-2014 18:16:44; mircea_popescu: so which'd be the yadier-molina-est guy in that pic ?
08-01-2015 04:46:39 <assbot> Logged on 01-03-2014 18:16:44; mircea_popescu: so which'd be the yadier-molina-est guy in that pic ?
08-01-2015 04:44:16 <assbot> 9 results for 'molina' :
08-01-2015 04:44:15 <BingoBoingo> !s molina
08-11-2014 04:57:42 <assbot> 7 results for 'molina' :
08-11-2014 04:57:41 <BingoBoingo> !s molina
06-06-2014 01:26:55 <BingoBoingo> Yadier Molina:
25-04-2014 03:46:50 <BingoBoingo> Though on the same team and Albert Pujols becoming a legend first, this is the exact machanism that made Pujols fungible with Carlos Beltran et al. while Molina was and is irreplaceable.
25-04-2014 03:45:30 <BingoBoingo> This exists as an exact why for bitches loving Yadier Molina.
16-04-2014 06:26:19 <BingoBoingo> It's all about Yadier Molina now
01-03-2014 18:16:44 <mircea_popescu> so which'd be the yadier-molina-est guy in that pic ?
01-03-2014 18:09:30 <BingoBoingo> The NFL is trying to watch women the wrong way, anyways. Most of the women and girls I know favor this guy over the "All American" sort