Matches for ninjashogun cereal, 4 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
14-08-2014 17:25:46 <ben_vulpes> !s ninjashogun cereal
14-08-2014 17:25:46 <assbot> 2 results for 'ninjashogun cereal' :
22-03-2014 21:17:34 <ninjashogun> decimation, as I mentioned before we are at the pre-financing stage - the startup is not raising money right now. I know a lot of stories of people who built great things with burn rates near $0. Airbnb is now closing a round at $10B. They sold cereal to launch.
18-03-2014 00:43:22 <ninjashogun> mircea_popescu, fine. AirBNB had to sell Cereal. Yes Cereal. To fund their idea of a C2C ebay of Rentals.