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Matches for safe deposit box, 13 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Sat Aug 29 02:48:41 UTC 2015  <asciilifeform>   that would be not unlike bank not grokking 'don't smear shit over contents of safe deposit box'

Thu Apr 09 03:48:18 UTC 2015  <decimation>   so you put it in your 'safe deposit box', and the bank employees read

Fri Feb 06 23:46:24 UTC 2015  <asciilifeform>   'Keeping gold in a safe deposit box is money laundering carrying up to 25 years in prison.' << fiction. (though 'deposit boxes' remain a hilarious scam. see old thread, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-10-2014#875487 )

Wed Oct 15 17:37:20 UTC 2014  <assbot>   11 results for 'safe deposit box' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=safe+deposit+box

Wed Oct 15 17:37:19 UTC 2014  <BingoBoingo>   !s safe deposit box

Sun Aug 31 01:25:16 UTC 2014  <decimation>   re:safe deposit box, my understanding is that these are the terms all banks in the us give for such things

Sun Aug 31 00:23:20 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   The20YearIRCloud: There's a town close to me that once every year auctions off 250-350 safe deposit box contents, you bid per box and don't know what is in them. All are seized from people who either didn't pay up or forgot about em << isn't there a reality show predicated on this process ?

Sat Aug 30 20:09:03 UTC 2014  <decimation>   re: safe deposit box << My bank's terms say: "We will not have any liability to you or any third party for incidental or consequential damages. If an arbitration proceeding is commenced, evidence that tends to prove that something was left in the Box on last authorized entry, and was found to be missing on the next entry, will not create a presumption that it was lost because we were negligent, intentional did anything wrong or

Sat Aug 30 19:48:45 UTC 2014  <The20YearIRCloud>   There's a town close to me that once every year auctions off 250-350 safe deposit box contents, you bid per box and don't know what is in them. All are seized from people who either didn't pay up or forgot about em

Thu May 01 23:53:56 UTC 2014  <bounce>   assuming they're not, for the sake of argument, it's maybe not a bad design decision to have "the user" store something useless on its own, but useful in combination with the website OR in combination with the backup key the user stuck in his safe deposit box

Thu Dec 12 18:31:42 UTC 2013  <Bugpowder>   I've got a roll of 50 in a safe deposit box.

Thu Nov 28 01:29:28 UTC 2013  <Bugpowder>   I'm just putting my stack of coins in a safe deposit box. Thus I will always have 110BTC that is such a pain in the ass to sell I won't do it.

Thu Nov 28 00:12:48 UTC 2013  <Bugpowder>   Lock coins in safe deposit box. Chill for 5 years. Avoid Fontas.