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Matches for satcoin, 16 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

01-02-2016 21:39:14  <assbot>   14 results for 'satcoin' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=satcoin

01-02-2016 21:39:13  <ascii_butugychag>   !s satcoin

01-02-2015 04:18:26  <asciilifeform>   (if that seems like a 'martian' concept, look up 'satcoin')

27-10-2014 00:34:09  <assbot>   11 results for 'satcoin' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=satcoin

27-10-2014 00:34:08  <asciilifeform>   !s satcoin

18-07-2014 02:15:25  <assbot>   8 results for 'satcoin' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=satcoin

18-07-2014 02:15:24  <asciilifeform>   !s satcoin

18-07-2014 02:15:20  <asciilifeform>   as to how an enemy might proceed to put this hypothesis to actual use, see example of 'satcoin'.

16-04-2014 19:02:53  <gribble>   SAT solving - An alternative to brute force bitcoin mining: http://jheusser.github.io/2013/02/03/satcoin.html; [ANN] Saturncoin [SAT] - One of the most fast and secure coins ...: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=441760.0; jheusser/satcoin · GitHub: https://github.com/jheusser/satcoin

16-04-2014 19:02:52  <asciilifeform>   ;;google satcoin

29-03-2014 02:37:57  <asciilifeform>   ;;google heusser satcoin

29-03-2014 02:37:57  <gribble>   SAT solving - An alternative to brute force bitcoin mining: http://jheusser.github.io/2013/02/03/satcoin.html; Proof of concept code for SAT-based bitcoin mining: http://jheusser.github.io/2013/12/30/satcoin-code.html; jheusser/satcoin · GitHub: https://github.com/jheusser/satcoin

14-11-2013 05:48:33  <asciilifeform>   nothing earth-shaking. if anyone was hoping for a working 'satcoin', you'll be disappointed.

04-11-2013 16:00:08  <asciilifeform>   satcoin: http://jheusser.github.io/2013/02/03/satcoin.html

04-11-2013 15:59:46  <mircea_popescu>   what's satcoin ?

04-11-2013 15:58:49  <asciilifeform>   now would be the perfect time for an 'asteroid' event (e.g. somebody gets SATCOIN hasher working.)