Matches for sha256, 172 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Tue Oct 28 06:51:56 UTC 2014 <punkman> if you base58decode the deed hash, you get a sha256 hash of raw deed
Tue Oct 28 06:47:29 UTC 2014 <punkman> just sha256 the BXZ... string
Tue Oct 28 06:43:42 UTC 2014 <punkman> sha256 of bundle: 07014e56d4c34fb7962db64e2cdf5ebcd3f8eca891a0ea697cc5f46f55d1da9d
Tue Oct 28 06:35:54 UTC 2014 <BingoBoingo> sha256 of my guess on which trilema url hanbot wrote about 86e9f3b06d8abfde4f1323725907a4c9ccb6017d7ec35250f63ba735b6edbd08
Tue Oct 28 03:51:22 UTC 2014 <assbot> Logged on 26-10-2014 20:32:15; punkman: deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key
Tue Oct 28 02:57:03 UTC 2014 <assbot> Logged on 26-10-2014 20:32:15; punkman: deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key
Tue Oct 28 01:53:57 UTC 2014 <assbot> Logged on 26-10-2014 20:32:15; punkman: deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key
Mon Oct 27 04:14:31 UTC 2014 <decimation> so if I'm reading that correctly, the list of sha256 hashes of all the deeds would allow one to 'detect deeds'
Mon Oct 27 04:11:57 UTC 2014 <assbot> Logged on 26-10-2014 20:32:15; punkman: deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key
Sun Oct 26 21:59:23 UTC 2014 <assbot> Logged on 16-10-2014 14:00:51; mircea_popescu: btw, cazalla bingoboingo and everyone else in the same situation : if the blob gpg spits out when you sign contains a SHA1 you are using the older, and perhaps not all that secure digest algo. you should move on to sha512 either with --digest-algo SHA512 or else edit gpg.conf to insert personal-digest-preferences SHA512 SHA384 SHA256
Sun Oct 26 21:48:43 UTC 2014 <Apocalyptic> by the way are SHA1 gpg-signed messages considered read ? I read somewhere one might rather use sha256 or higher, don't know if there's any merit to that claim
Sun Oct 26 20:32:15 UTC 2014 <punkman> deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key
Sun Oct 26 17:49:28 UTC 2014 <punkman> so if someone wants to do some independent verification, hash "BXZKQx2iLYyRpUCmdWCqJBvgUdvqWH4EE8TV1ns3pxLZ" with sha256, convert to big int, make Bitcoin private key with big int, verify the key's address is 149LB8VYaT1BdMLyQUL92Kj6KrJfNwcp64.
Sun Oct 26 07:50:07 UTC 2014 <assbot> 77 results for 'sha256' :
Sun Oct 26 07:50:06 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> !s sha256
Fri Oct 24 21:39:35 UTC 2014 <asciilifeform> sha256 == aab1f8ea8c7f131ff69dfa3b9437ba35531018be760132dd6373f41a591f6382
Fri Oct 24 16:41:13 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> well that's interesting, spits out a turd that's sha256: 8c62d735a13d89c25c35996c828bcee96aa6e00adcffd294c494ae8d8b5924bb
Fri Oct 24 16:36:22 UTC 2014 <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: best i turned up is: bitcoin-0.3.21-linux.tar.gz (leeched jun 2 2011) - sha256: 7e49fd93e9db98d57df31b789eb3cc46e94854958c86961514ff5cb1c7264071
Thu Oct 16 14:00:51 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> btw, cazalla bingoboingo and everyone else in the same situation : if the blob gpg spits out when you sign contains a SHA1 you are using the older, and perhaps not all that secure digest algo. you should move on to sha512 either with --digest-algo SHA512 or else edit gpg.conf to insert personal-digest-preferences SHA512 SHA384 SHA256
Sat Oct 11 13:49:02 UTC 2014 <punkman> for existing deedbot, the whole bundle goes through sha256, then that hash is manipulated to create a public address