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Matches for spritz from:adlai, 4 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Tue Feb 16 00:01:21 UTC 2016  <adlai>   speaking of which, http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=spritz+from%3Aadlai is superceded/obsoleted/completed by https://github.com/pasky/speedread

Sun Nov 30 20:06:27 UTC 2014  <adlai>   so there's also http://readsy.net/ "inspired by Spritz before developers could sign up" but it's a little rough around the edges

Sun Nov 30 17:38:14 UTC 2014  <adlai>   it's far from ideal, but I can imagine much better ways of integrating the "spritz" window with a wider view of the text (or an outline)

Sun Nov 30 17:25:57 UTC 2014  <adlai>   what about spritz? http://www.spritzinc.com/ anything interesting come of this yet?