Matches for storj, 8 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
07-11-2016 16:22:35 <punkman> did a short review: original FileCoin was DoA, IPFS wants to make another FileCoin using Ethereum or whatever, storj uses Counterparty, maidsafecoin uses Omni/Mastercoin, Siacoin has its own thing but it sucks.
21-03-2015 23:06:43 <trinque> PeterL: in the ballpark; there's storj, also ballpark
13-03-2015 02:29:47 <Adlai> nah the blockchain will be in storj
03-01-2015 21:54:15 <thestringpuller> what's this storj thing?
14-08-2014 17:38:20 <kakobrekla> !s storj
14-08-2014 17:38:20 <assbot> 2 results for 'storj' :
18-07-2014 14:45:42 <assbot> Storj - The Crowdsale
18-07-2014 14:45:22 <thickasthieves> Gais! Storj IPO today!