Matches for trains fly, 7 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Sun May 17 04:08:20 UTC 2015 <decimation> the fact that bricks fly at such trains ought to be newsworthy
Sun Feb 08 21:16:57 UTC 2015 <decimation> re: parasail < I've heard of incidents where pilots of parasails fly too close to moving trains. They get caught in the vortex and then crash
Sun Nov 23 06:20:07 UTC 2014 <assbot> Logged on 21-11-2014 01:38:58; mircea_popescu: well anyway : two trains moving on the same track leave simultaneously 29 miles apart, one doing 5mph the other 7mp. a fly caugh between them flies straight until it reaches a train then turns back and recurses, doing 9mph.
Fri Nov 21 01:38:58 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> well anyway : two trains moving on the same track leave simultaneously 29 miles apart, one doing 5mph the other 7mp. a fly caugh between them flies straight until it reaches a train then turns back and recurses, doing 9mph.
Fri Nov 21 01:38:07 UTC 2014 <assbot> 0 results for 'trains fly' :
Fri Nov 21 01:38:06 UTC 2014 <asciilifeform> !s trains fly
Fri Nov 21 01:37:18 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform but in the same vein of "hard problems, if you're new here", you know the two trains and fly one im sure