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Matches for wot recording, 6 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Tue Mar 29 02:23:24 UTC 2016  <mike_c>   I have been recording a picture of the wot graph everyday for..

Wed Jul 30 21:42:53 UTC 2014  <assbot>   7 results for 'wot recording' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=wot+recording

Wed Jul 30 21:42:52 UTC 2014  <artifexd>   !s wot recording

Wed May 07 13:36:46 UTC 2014  <Apocalyptic>   mircea, <HeySteve> another issue I forsee with rating of unregistered parties, is people extending the scope of the WoT beyond its intended purpose of recording Bitcoin trades. people will use it to downrate TV characters from soap operas

Wed May 07 13:35:46 UTC 2014  <Apocalyptic>   " is people extending the scope of the WoT beyond its intended purpose of recording Bitcoin trades"

Wed May 07 13:29:47 UTC 2014  <HeySteve>   another issue I forsee with rating of unregistered parties, is people extending the scope of the WoT beyond its intended purpose of recording Bitcoin trades. people will use it to downrate TV characters from soap operas