Matches for yi yi zhi yi, 28 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
10-12-2015 22:43:25 <ascii_field> BingoBoingo: aka anarchotyranny / 'yi yi zhi yi'.
22-11-2015 02:19:29 <funkenstein_> so here's a fun one: take yi yi zhi yi and add a "fen" in the middle: yi yi fen zhi yi
01-10-2015 18:45:26 <ascii_field> europe is simply yi yi zhi yi-ing itself into proper hierarchical segments again.
02-09-2015 01:51:14 <mats> the phrase happens to predate 'yi yi zhi yi'
01-09-2015 19:23:09 <mats> 'y? yí zhì yí' is the pinyin
01-09-2015 19:08:35 <mats> i am curious to know when 'yi yi zhi yi' progresses to 'yi fa yi yi
12-08-2015 14:11:16 <asciilifeform> the way 'yi yi zhi yi' works is that a usg fiefdom controls its lower classes, which might otherwise have some vitality left, by importing orcs
12-08-2015 14:08:13 <asciilifeform> yi yi zhi yi.
09-08-2015 15:15:07 <asciilifeform> the pakis are a designated imported predator, as per 'yi yi zhi yi' algo. they are doing their job.
21-07-2015 14:01:04 <asciilifeform> !s yi yi zhi yi
21-07-2015 14:01:04 <assbot> 17 results for 'yi yi zhi yi' :
22-04-2015 04:33:11 <BingoBoingo> <ascii_lander> until then, it's 'yi yi zhi yi' (orc incursions organized by usg for own pleasure) << I only worry because I've pointed local orcs to qntra posts
22-04-2015 04:32:10 <ascii_lander> until then, it's 'yi yi zhi yi' (orc incursions organized by usg for own pleasure)
08-01-2015 01:21:44 <assbot> 13 results for 'yi yi zhi yi' :
08-01-2015 01:21:43 <asciilifeform> !s yi yi zhi yi
03-12-2014 05:41:20 <asciilifeform> see also mr. mold's 'dalits', and 'yi yi zhi yi.'
25-11-2014 04:09:57 <assbot> 10 results for 'yi yi zhi yi' :
25-11-2014 04:09:56 <asciilifeform> !s yi yi zhi yi
24-11-2014 21:27:27 <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: iran - 'tried shit.' i would need serious evidence of pig flight before believing that fundamentalist clerical revolutions are anything other than usg 'yi yi zhi yi' methods.
24-10-2014 03:50:19 <assbot> 6 results for 'yi yi zhi yi' :